We are thrilled to announce that our R6+ portable traffic signal are now TOPAS-approved, as well as our R6+ portable pedestrian signal! Certification takes hard work and dedication, and we are proud and thankful to our team for all their efforts on this journey. This opens great opportunities for us, and we look forward to bringing our innovative solutions to the UK market and serving customers with our highest-quality products.

The R6+ Portable Traffic Signal head is a part of a solution for integrating individual signals into a unified vehicle fleet. The concept consists of the BerlexConnect software and the R6+ signal heads hardware. The user has full control of the traffic signals and make operational changes without visiting the traffic signals on-site. Adaptable for use in shuttle operations, multiphase signaling, pedestrian crossings, and multiphase pedestrian crossings.

Key software advantages
Easy monitoring via smartphone, tablet or laptop
Universal connectivity
Cloud based
Scalable system
Exceptional hardware features
Unlimited signal heads
Service friendly, all built in the signal head
Extended runtime from days to months
Versatile signal head mounting

Innovative communication features
24/7 - Instant supervision
Unlimited operating distance
Customizable access
Certificate of registration - Portable Traffic Signal R6+
Certificate of registration - Portable Pedestrian Signal R6+
Questions or Concerns?
Please don't hesitate to reach out. We are here to assist you with any questions you may have.